Home Entertainment Man lists conditions for breeding male feminists

Man lists conditions for breeding male feminists

Man lists conditions for breeding male feminists
  • A Nigerian man listed the conditions for breeding a male feminists and they all had to do with the man’s family background.
  • He went step by step explaining how each factor had to do with a superior presence and influence of females in his life.
  • He ended by making ladies know that men did not hate them and weren’t the enemy.

A Nigerian man went through a long list of conditions that could serve for breeding male feminists.

He shared in a tweet that males who grew up without their fathers were prone to be male feminists.

Likewise, men who grew up in abusive homes were more likely to turn male feminists.

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He went on to expatiate on the individual choices men could make to become male feminists.

Man lists conditions for breeding male feminists

Dominant females are breeding male feminists

He shared that men who wanted to impress females who had the feminists mindset would employ the method as a means to an end

He wrote in part: “Male feminists are men who lack options, are insecure as a result of low self-esteem, and don’t have a father in his life to love and support his growth. He allows himself to be used as a tool against men because he can’t fit in, and in rage, he rage turns on men.”

He stated that such men were never to be trusted if they were able to side with mediocrity.

The man shared that they were likely to throw women under the bus just like they did men just to suit their desires.

READ ALSO: Feminists are a pandemic: Former feminist cries out for love and care from a man

Netizens blast feminist for refusing to split bills

Meanwhile, Ukoko, a Twitter user, has drawn criticism for engaging in “selective feminism,” as stated by online users.

She expressed her frustration with her boyfriend, who insisted they divide a bill 50/50 because she was a feminist.

She believed that this idea was unreasonable because the sharing ratio ought not to be said at all.

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