Home Topical 6+ Countries That Practice Polyandry

6+ Countries That Practice Polyandry

in this article, we will be looking at countries that practice polyandry, There are many marriage situations around the world where a person can get up to many partners. 

While it is normal for men to get married to many partners, it is almost unheard of for women to get hitched to many partners.

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What is Polyandry?

Polyandry is a form of polygamy in which a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time.

It is different from monogamy, which is a marriage between only two people. While monogamy is the standard approach to marriage in many countries including Europe, polygamy is common in much of Africa and the Middle East and is also seen in parts of Southeast Asia. 

This tradition is also different from polygyny, where a man marries two or more female partners. So for those of you who thought previously that polygamy is a man marrying two or more wives, this is an impromptu social studies lesson. That is polygyny, and it is a type of polygamy.

It is important to note that even as many countries allow for polyandry, it is strictly prohibited in Islam. Men are allowed to marry many women but it is not the same for women.

In Christianity, there is a strong advocate of monogamous marriage. Seemingly, a passage in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 17, forbids polyandry.

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History of polyandry

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The term derives from the Greek words ‘polys‘ meaning “many” and anēr/andros meaning “man.”

Polyandry is generally considered to be a response to various situations such as mortality and environmental scarcity of resources. One other reason for its acceptance is that it is used to control overpopulation.

Did you know that the Nyinba of Nepal practices fraternal polyandry because there is not enough land to divide between brothers and the high mortality rate of females child and infant mortality?

Polyandrous relationships are also popular in the animal kingdom with fishes and various mammals.

MORE IN THIS SERIES: Things to know about Polygamy

Countries that practice polyandry


You may have not known but there are many Nigerian cultures that allow polyandry. The Irigwe people of Nigeria practiced this until their council voted to outlaw it in 1968. 

Before then, the woman had to move from house to house and called their numerous spouses “co-husbands”.

Some even consider it to be “sweeter” than having one partner.


Nepal is a South Asian country located in the Himalayas and is one of the countries that practice polyandry. Although it was prohibited in Nepal in 1963, polyandry is still common in a few parts of the country, like Bhote and Newbie.

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Did you know that a woman named Draupadi married five brothers in India?

India is a country where many traditions occur. They have more than one place practicing polyandry. It is still popular in parts of North India in the Jaunsarbawar region.

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Kenyans started polyandry when two men decided to be husbands to a woman they both loved. Polyandry dates back to 2013 in Kenya.

However, there are no laws forbidding polyandry and legal action can’t be taken against people who practice it. There have also been multiple cases of polyandry among the Massai people of Kenya.

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China is one of the countries that practice polyandry. The practice of fraternal polyandry is common among the people in the Nepal parts of China and India. The practice is encouraged if there is the need to divide properties among separate fathers.  

South America

Polyandry also existed among South Americans as the Bororo practiced polyandry. The Tupi-Kawahib also popularly practice fraternal polyandry.

Also, during the Haitian Revolution in North America, the mortality rate among men was so high that women practiced polyandry.


Although these countries allow other marital conditions, polyandry has proved to be the best for some societies. 

It allows for financial burdens to be shared among many husbands and also for a lesser population.

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