Home Entertainment Afrojuicy cultural artworks: Renowned artist aims to change the narrative using her...

Afrojuicy cultural artworks: Renowned artist aims to change the narrative using her unique artworks

Afrojuicy cultural artworks: Renowned artist aims to change the narrative using her unique artworks |Battabox.com
Afrojuicy cultural artworks: Renowned artist aims to change the narrative using her unique artworks
  • Juliet Godwin, a highly skilled artist from Enugu state, has gained widespread recognition on social media for her beautifully illustrated cultural artworks
  • The talented artist acquired her skills predominantly through online resources and guidance from her tech mentors.
  • Numerous Nigerians have been captivated by calming artworks that evoke a traditional ambiance.

A talented artist, Juilet Godwin from Enugu state, popularly known as ‘juujugirl or afrojuicy’ became well known on social media for her beautifully illustrated cultural landscapes and people that remind you of your roots as a Nigerian.

These artworks could depict various scenes, such as an Igbo bride holding a tray of kola nuts during her Igba Nkwu ceremony, or a rural backdrop showcasing women cooking by the fireplace or men engaged in traditional games.

Also, such nerve-calming artworks bear imprints such as ‘juujugirl or afrojuicy’ and reflect calming artworks that evoke a traditional ambiance.

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Juliet aims to change the narrative using her cultural artworks

In a recent interview, Juliet expressed that her artworks aim to communicate with her culture. When questioned about the process behind creating these captivating paintings that resonate with viewers, she attributed it to her vivid imagination.

In her words:

“My name is Juliet Godwin, known on social media as juujugirl or afrojuicy. I am a digital illustrator and visual storyteller. I create them from imagination. Basically, I am an imaginative person; therefore, my art is used to express the state of my mind, my current thinking and my perception of how the world should be. I enjoy bringing my imagination to life; it gives me a sense of happiness and fulfilment.”

Juliet’s work stands out from others due to its departure from what is commonly found online. Rather than conforming to popular trends influenced by Western culture, she intentionally strives to reconnect people with their cultural roots. Her artistic inspiration is deeply rooted in her own tradition, allowing her to create artworks that offer a distinct and authentic experience for viewers. This is what she had to say:

“Going through the internet, I found that there are not many digital illustrations that speak to me as a Nigerian or African. They are mostly foreign illustrations of various races – and the ones I do come across every now and then don’t really give off the “slice of life” vibe. Most of the African illustrations I see do not represent me. It mostly depicts suffering, scars, poverty, jungle and poor environment.”

Through her artworks, she strives to highlight the richness, diversity, and aesthetic allure of African traditions, ensuring that they are not only appreciated in the present but also safeguarded and cherished for the times to come.

She said:

“I always aim to show another side of life that people like me can relate with, a depiction of the positive part of my people and culture – the beautiful and unique African style. I also want to use my art to preserve historical information for future generations; this way, they can understand how life was during their ancestor’s time.”

Juliet revealed that she does not possess extensive formal education. Instead, she acquired her skills predominantly through online resources and guidance from her tech mentors. Utilizing computers as her medium, she has developed her artistic abilities and honed her craft, allowing her to create her drawings with a unique blend of traditional artistry and technological excellence.

Her words: “I have a diploma in Multimedia and Animation from Arena Multimedia – Aptech Computer Education. I don’t have any higher diploma; most tech jobs don’t require that too.”

According to her, she has been able to make money with her beautiful artworks that have fascinated many people.

In her words:

“Yes, I make my artwork available in “print and framed” versions – on order basis. This means that anyone shopping for my artwork has the option to purchase a reproduction of my original artwork in a high-quality printed format that is ready to hang or display.”

By showcasing the beauty and essence of her heritage through her artworks, she has the ability to inspire cultural transformation through their works.

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Living artwork: Artist, Mr Doodle covers every inch of his house in black and white drawings

World-renowned artist, Sam Cox known as Mr Doodle has achieved his lifelong dream of having a doodling house.

The 28-year-old artist took 2 years to achieve his doodling house where every nook and cranny of his 6-bedroom mansion is covered in his signature black and white doodles.

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Doodle in 2019 bought his mansion at Tenterden, Kent for £1.35 million after he shared that he would one day love to transform his purchased property into a ‘doodle verse’.

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