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Female soldier returns from a mission without alerting her boyfriend, video goes viral

Female soldier returns from a mission without alerting her boyfriend
  • A female American soldier showed up without telling her boyfriend or daughter, and they had a lovely reunion as a result.
  • The soldier sneaked into the basketball court where the man was posing for pictures and stood beside them.
  • The boyfriend yelled in delight in front of everyone, when he discovered that his partner had returned from her deployment.

A video of female soldier as he returns from a mission without alerting her boyfriend has sparked numerous comments from social media users.

The soldier in her uniform entered the area while the father and her daughter were both on the basketball court taking pictures with players.

As they posed, the woman stood by their side. When the photo they had taken was given to him, the man recognized his girlfriend had been standing next to them. He exclaimed with excitement.

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Female soldier returns from a mission

They all gave each other large family-style hugs as the woman’s daughter ran into her arms. By @us.army.news, she shared a video.

thapelokhomo said: “Why am I crying?” Nisha Jindal said: “The daughter recognized her mama so quick.”

FloridaBoy said: “That’s awesome the little one picked out mom right away.”

MamaBoonebackup said: “Thank you for your service!”

charlotteagc said: “Thank you for your service beautiful.”

Watch the video below:


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Soldier receives hot slap for assaulting a lady in the mall

Meanwhile, amidst a heated argument in a mall, a young woman resorted to taking matters into her own hands after being slapped by a soldier.

In a video that went viral, it was evident that the soldier accused the lady of being a thief and proceeded to slap her. This altercation led to a heated exchange, resulting in the soldier slapping her once again.

However, the infuriated woman refused to tolerate such treatment and retaliated while asserting, “You can’t slap me like that. I am not a thief.” Onlookers attempted to intervene and resolve the dispute between the two parties.

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