Home Entertainment Young Tailor-in-Training: Measures, sews, and slays in Style (Video)

Young Tailor-in-Training: Measures, sews, and slays in Style (Video)

  • In a heartwarming video, a beautiful young girl exhibited her remarkable sewing skills while fashioning a dress for herself.
  • She deftly operated her mother’s sewing machine, though her mom had suggested using an electric one for convenience.
  • Nevertheless, they decided to make the most of the tools at hand.

A young tailor dazzled the social media users with her sewing wizardry, crafting an enchanting romper.

In the realm of TikTok, a mesmerizing video unveiled her artistic prowess, revealing her deftly slicing and dicing fabric, as though she were a seasoned couturier.

Seated gracefully before her trusty sewing machine, she weaved her magic, transforming the fabric into a masterpiece that left onlookers in awe, showering her with applause and admiration.

READ ALSO: From Lawyer to tailor: Nigerian lady dumps law for fashion design

Young Tailor-in-Training

Delving into the TikTok realm that birthed this creative spectacle, one discovers the inspiring thread of her journey, as she inherited the craft from her gifted tailor-mother.

Social Media Reaction:

Faith said: “I’m so proud of you, little stranger.”

Sky-rain said: “This made me smile.”

itzprettyjulie414 said: “Wow, this is super may God in heaven perfect her greatness in a greater way. More grace baby girl.”

itzprettyjulie414 said: “Wow, this is super may God in heaven perfect her greatness in a greater way. More grace baby girl.”

blebaby said: “Chai omo this girl is going to be fire.”

Abimbola said: “She’s going to be a great fashion designer.”

Watch Video Here:

READ ALSO: I safely gave it to him: Nigerian tailor returns over N2m he found in customer’s bag

SPECIAL REPORT: How 20-Year-Old Tailor Was Killed By Police Over N50 Bribe

Meanwhile, the relatives of Ayomide Taiwo, a 20-year-old tailor killed in Iragbiji, Boripe Local Government Area (LGA) of Osun State in Southwest Nigeria, have demanded justice.

Ayomide who enrolled as an apprentice with a fashion designer in 2016 graduated in 2019. In a bid to make money for his graduation ceremony billed for Sept. 10, 2020, he embarked on petty sewing.

He was, however attacked on Aug. 3, 2020, in Iragbiji while returning to his place of work at Owena after celebrating the Islamic festival, Eid-el-Kabir, with his mother.

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