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HomeTopical10 Ways to Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

10 Ways to Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

Different personality types can make some people find it very difficult to keep conversations going with a guy. If you’re in these shoes, don’t worry. We have some tips to help you.

Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

With all the dating apps all around, keeping conversations, especially when you are chatting on online dating platforms, is one way to get to know a bit about the other person.

Some ladies like to keep a steady conversation with a guy before they agree to go out on a date with him. This helps to reduce her insecurities.

After a lot of research from relationship experts, we have come up with this article to improve your conversational skills and help you know more about the guy you like.

Would you like to avoid that awkward silence that crips in, making you feel like you aren’t getting along fine? Then read this article.


10 Ways to Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

Keep a Conversation Going with a Guy

Communication is a very important feature when dating or wanting to date someone, and the best type of communication is verbal communication, which means a conversation.

Conversations are important. Here are some tips that can help you start a conversation or probably help you continue for a longer time.

Although all may not work for you or come to you at ease, you should get a clue about what to say when conversing with a guy.

Ask Open-ended Questions

Here is one way that always works. Avoid asking questions that require direct or one-word answers like yes, no, or fine.

Rather ask questions that will make your guy talk about an event or anything.

You can ask questions like, “what did you do today?” instead of “how was your day?”. The later question provokes details rather than just a blank fine

Ask Follow-up questions or Comments

Some people are great conversation starters but just in the middle of the conversation with the guy. You get a bone stuck in your throat.

A bit embarrassing, right? Try follow-up questions.

Follow-up questions are questions that keep the conversation going. Apart from showing that you’re interested in the topic, a follow-up question allows your partner to go into detail about the topic discussed.

Say things like ” So what happened?” or “How did it happen?”.  You could also say. “This is interesting. Please go on” or tell “me more about it” or any other follow-up questions.


Start with Light Questions

If you want to keep a conversation going with a guy you just met, try to start with light questions. 

You can ask questions like

How did you do today?

What project are you working on?

How will you spend this holiday?

What is exciting about your new job?

If your questions become very deep, serious, and personal so quickly, it may tense up the whole conversation.

Compliment light things Personally

Gone are the days when it was the lady’s right to be complimented. Truth is complements are conversation boosters, and they work for

Compliment on light issues. You may say

Nice T-shirt. I like the design

Ohh, I like your bag, it has a beautiful colour.

You need to be honest here and personally say what you like and why you like it. Keep it simple. 

Don’t Talk About your Relationship Status

Anything but your relationship status and the story about all your ex and how they didn’t work.

Apart from the fact that this attitude is stressfully boring to anyone, it shows that you are insecure, desperate, and emotionally unstable.

Next, it makes you vulnerable if you speak about how single you are now, and the conversation is all about that with someone you are yet to know. He can capitalize on it, and you may feel used again.

Rather wait till the relationship gets deeper before letting off some intense information.


Talk about Childhood Experiences

Here is another way to keep the conversation going with a guy. You can never get wrong with childhood experiences.

Talk about your most memorable moments as a child, or you could remember something hilarious about your childhood. Share stories about your best Christmas gift or any other memorable event

You may be surprised you both had a similar childhood situation, he too will love to share, and boom, you’ve got the conversation rolling.

Don’t Do All The Talking

You don’t have to be the Master of Ceremony (emcee) when you want to keep the conversation going with a guy. You should listen sometimes.

Conversations are a two-way channel. In as much as you want to tell the person about yourself, you will need to know more about the person.

Next time when there is an awkward silence, pause, look away, smile, and let him figure out what to say.

Stop stressing yourself about things to say. You could listen to him tell you about himself. This way, you take some pressure off yourself.

Talk about what you both have in common.

Suppose you people have something in common. Maybe you attended the same college, lived on the same street, or even went to the same Church. Then you can converse about it.

Be sure to know if he likes talking about that topic before going down with it. Some people have bad experiences, whereas you have good ones. 

You can talk about gaming sites or society gist if you know of it.

If you get into a gist you know nothing about, listen and sincerely ask for more information.

Avoid Controversial Topics

You don’t want to be caught in a heated argument while you are still trying to keep the conversation going with a guy.

Early stages of friendship may not be able to handle debates, but as the relationship progresses and deepens, controversies may not break it.

Avoid politics, religious beliefs, family issues, or questions about his romantic or s3xual life.


Talk about what interests you

Here is another line of discussion where you cannot go wrong. But be careful. Too much talk has effects at this stage of a relationship.

Talk about your interests, what you like to do, where you like to go, and other shallow information about yourself.

When you stop trying to Keep the Conversation Going with a Guy

Keep a conversation going with a guy

Dear girl, your sole responsibility is not to keep the conversation going with a guy. Neither is it his sole duty to keep conversations going with you.

Conversations must work both ways. Both parties must want to converse for the conversation to work well.

So here comes our million-dollar question. When should I give up?

Here’s a list of situations that can indicate you had better get going to find someone else. However, patience should be tampered with before writing anyone off.

You should give up if

  1. There are always a million and one excuses to reply to your chat days later.
  2. He never lets you finish your sentences
  3. He is rude and intimidating 
  4. There’s a lot of show off
  5. He constantly tells you he doesn’t have time.
  6. He always drags to controversial topics.
  7. He isn’t honest in his conversation.


There are more, but the principle is if you can’t take their conversational attitudes, then there is no need to continue because communication is the foundation of every relationship.

Poor communication will break your heart. Break it off before it does.

Esther Gad
Esther Gad
I am a freelance writer, who loves to convey information through written contents. I build simple and conversational content tailored to the specific audience which can help industries build customer trust and in long term increase sales
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