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How to Be a Good Mother

Motherhood can be a challenging moment in a woman’s life but can also be the greatest time. No one learns how to be a good mother. Instead, they learn from past mistakes and experiences.

Although, there are tips that can assist you in learning how to cope with your children. This article provides insights on how to be a better mother.


How to be a good mother

Can we give it up for our mothers? The selfless creatures that brought us into this world. If you’re a mother, you need to give yourself a pat on the back for the great things that you have done and still do.

As a mother, you have probably prepared yourself the best you could for the moment that a sweet child entered your life. You read, Googled, and asked for advice, but nothing – nothing – could have prepared you for this. You’re just learning as you go. Luckily, there are great tips and advice at your disposal in his article.

SEE: Breaking Down the Four Types of Parenting: What You Need to Know

How To Be A Good Mother PDF

How to be a good mother

The word ‘Mum’ can carry a lot of meaning and emotion. It comes from how we feel about our own mothers and grandmothers, community expectations of mothers and how we think we should be or want to be as a mum.

Becoming a mother is the start of a journey that can bring great joy, pride, happiness, and worries and challenges.

Mothers play an important role in helping children learn about living in the world and getting along with others. Your guidance and support can help them learn and achieve their full potential and build resilience as they grow. Now you must be thinking, “How can I be a good mother?”

As a mother, you should be a life coach to your children. You should aim to build a family that values kindness and care and works well together so children feel safe and secure. More importantly, you need to show value to each member of the family- this includes treating others with respect and support.

Children love routines, so establish great ones, like mealtimes and bedtimes. Follow these routines because children would feel appreciated and needed.

Other ways to be a good mother include;

  1. Share the chores and create family traditions, like the way you celebrate special occasions
  2. Support and encourage each other.
  3. Take time to talk with children and listen to what’s happening in their lives.
  4. Encourage children to share in household tasks that suit their age and ability.

How to be a good mom when depressed

How to be a good mother

It is established that women can experience depression in different ways, including through motherhood and pregnancy. Being depressed doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom. Although, living with depression can make the stresses of parenthood seem unbeatable.

Luckily, it can be managed, and we are here to help you and provide some information that can help you be a good mom when depressed.

The following symptoms are common signs of depression. You may not have all of them, but if several describe you, you may be experiencing depression; A persistent feeling of sadness, Irritability, Fatigue, Changes in appetite, slow speech, aches and cramps, and persistent thoughts of death or suicide.

A depressed mother can have a serious impact on the well-being of her kids. They would typically have lower levels of interaction with their kids, which can lead to delays in development and disrupt normal attachment behaviours. 

However, there are ways that moms can work to overcome these challenges and create a meaningful connection with their kids. I think the most important way is, to Be Honest With Your Child About How You Feel.

However, being honest about how your feelings can help us connect with children in a more meaningful way. By acknowledging the depression, you show your kids that it is okay for them to feel their emotions, too – that it is healthy and normal to give voice to their feelings.

Being open and honest can foster greater trust and understanding between mom and child, creating a strong foundation for a lasting relationship built on compassion and mutual support. You can implore the help of your partner to be more involved as you sort some things out on your own.

SEE: Depression In Nigeria

How to be a good mother and wife

How to be a good mother

If you want to know how to be a good wife and mother, you’ll find all kinds of information out there. Some of it’s good advice, and some of it is really detrimental in so many ways!

Whether you’re conservative or liberal, traditional or feminist, it’s wonderful that you want to be a good wife and mother! Even if you have children, you still have a husband to cater for. Don’t worry about balancing your marital and parental duties; There are many ways to do so.

Spend meaningful time together

When learning how to be a good wife and mother, having fun together always strengthens your relationships! There are many ways to spend time with your partner, including doing things you both enjoy and sharing activities like cooking or a good laugh together. You can really strengthen your bond by doing these things on a regular basis.

Listen well

Listening is a good communication skill that is very useful in your marriage and with your kids. As a good listener, you give others the chance to talk out what’s in their mind, like problems they have or just want to say.

Show vulnerability

Vulnerability always requires risk and can be emotionally overwhelming. The good wife and mother try to be non-judgmental and honestly communicate feelings, problems, or needs. This is good for everyone involved since it helps restore trust within your relationship and helps resolve an issue calmly that can benefit you both!

Model Honesty

Modelling honesty and openness for our children as well as to your partner is incredibly mentally healthy for them and allows them to express their honesty as well. It’s particularly good for children because you are training them also.

Show interest

Children have a lot of interest; it is important that you try to act as excited as possible to whatever they want. Including your partner, he requires a little bit of your energy too. Sharing their excitement will greatly enhance your connection with them.

Ask meaningful questions

Asking meaningful questions is a great way to be a good wife and mom. When you ask someone questions, you are supporting them. You are showing that you care and that you have an interest in what they do.

Be accepting to be a good wife and mom

When we have expectations of what our life should look like, sometimes we don’t accept them when things look different. Maybe you always had dreams of being a soccer mom, but your child has no interest in sports.

Instead, they like dance and gymnastics. Accepting your child for who they are means giving up those expectations and embracing your life as a dance mom.

Accepting our partners is often more difficult. Most of us have very specific requirements for our romantic relationships, how they dress, how they behave, how they treat us, and what the focus of the relationship is.

10 important qualities of a good mother

A good mother always has multiple good qualities- the best thing is that she cultivates these 10 most important qualities within herself without feeling less than others.


Love is very important in a relationship; With love, you can be able to be there for your child. Also, your children would feel loved and appreciated.


Communication is essential in every relationship- whether romantic or non-romantic. A good mother would talk to her children verbally and non-verbally. She would caution them with gentle words that would also stick to them.


This is the first characteristic a mother must develop- This implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, betray, give up, abandon, or choose otherwise or choose others over your child.


A good mother is Trustworthy- her children know that she will always be there for them. They have no doubt in her strong-willed tenaciousness for them.


A good mother models Honesty for her children and demands that they imitate this characteristic. Children often model traits from their parents. But a good mother also teaches them to do right even when no one else is looking. It is important to model the right behaviour in front of them.


Being positive is not always easy, especially in a world filled with chaos. A mother must be able to cultivate positive thoughts about her ability to care for her children.


A good mother must learn patience. Of course, you would get upset, cry, and yell in your motherhood journey. It takes all emotions to grow into a well-prepared mother. Don’t always react harshly. Take a breath because children will test you. It is important to show them patience.


A good mother has pure Determination for her children to succeed in all that their little hearts desire. A mother should know that she is responsible for the lives of the children and must gather all the necessary tools for the children to be in the best zone.


A good mother must be a Visionary– she will have to learn how to guide her children in the way that they should go. You must study your children.


One may think.. ‘Why do I need to respect my child?’ because they are younger or they came out of you doesn’t mean that you always have control over them. As they grow older, know that they are becoming their own person and respect the choices that they make.

SEE: Love languages-types and importance

How to be a good mother according to the Bible

How to be a good mother

The greatest biblical role of a mother is pointing her children to Christ. As moms who love Jesus, our greatest desire is that our kids come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and then live their lives for Him. We get to partner with God in the daily discipleship of our children and in leading them towards saving and sanctifying knowledge of the truth.

Scripture teaches mothers to point children toward Christ by praying for them, modelling faith and character, and training them in wisdom.

Proverbs 22:6 conveys the general principle that if we “Train up children in the way they should go, even when they are old, they will not turn from it.

We do this by teaching them how to pray, how to study and apply God’s Word, and how to lovingly interact with others. Mothers should also set healthy boundaries for their children and then discipline them to obey them. They need to understand how to practice self-control and restraint.

Let’s face it. Motherhood is messy. We are going to make mistakes. And that’s perfectly okay. Some parents in the bible also screwed up too.

One of the best ways we can model humility to our kids is by confessing our sins and apologizing for our bad attitudes and behaviours. This shows them that we rely on Jesus and the forgiveness we have received from Him.

What are qualities of a good mother?

A mother is a sacred statue of selfless love, sacrifice, forgiveness, and patience.

If I were to describe my mother, I would say, “She is the guiding soul who helps me always to progress on the right path and achieve success in my life.”

There are many qualities that I see in her which make her the world’s best mother. She loves me strongly and deeply without any condition. Apart from all this, she also takes care of me with great responsibility.

She forgives each and every mistake of mine and also ensures that I realize my mistakes with responsibility. A good mother does every effort to make her child one in a million. She sacrifices every comfort of her life for the comfort of her child.

A good mother would love, respect, protect and care for you. With all these qualities, a child can be sure that they would be brought up the right way.

SEE: 88+ Positive Affirmations for women

How do I know I am a good mother?

Do you know a good mother who feels completely sure she’s doing a good job and never criticizes herself? Most likely not. Mothers all want the best for their children so much that they are terrified of making mistakes.

But being critical is the first sign that you’re a great mom. You are aware of the things you can do better. These signs will help you understand that no matter what doubts you have, you’re a great mom;

  • You doubt yourself.
  • Your children are happy around you
  • You’re exhausted.
  • You follow your intuition.
  • You learn from your children.
  • You don’t compare your children to others.
  • You discipline your children.
  • You comfort your children.

How can I become a better mother?

How to be a good mother

Parenting is tough. That’s a fact. But if you want to improve your parenting—and strengthen your relationship and bond—fear not: There are ways to do so. The following tips and tricks can help you, rear children at any age. Read on to learn how to be a better parent.


One of the most important things you can do for your child is to listen to them. Being present can make all the difference, i.e. children need to feel seen and heard. When you listen to your child, you actually help build their independence, confidence, and self-esteem.

Avoid Comparisons and Labels

It can be easy to compare your children, especially when you see other children. Don’t do that. Most especially, don’t equate developmental milestones with developmental deadlines.

Be Flexible

Be ready to change your parenting style as the child grows older. Do you know that the punishment given to a two-year-old cannot be given to a teenager? your disciplinary tactics would have to change. Being flexible is important.

Praise your child

When your child does something that makes you proud, don’t just celebrate the action. Celebrate your child. This will teach your child that the good deed is part of his or her identity. When you are not around, and they have to make a similar decision, they can recall who they are rather than what they did and make the correct choice.

Teach values

It is important to set boundaries for our children, but when we focus on creating household rules rather than teaching our kids the meaning of right and wrong, they might start looking for ways around the rules rather than understanding why the rule is there in the first place.

Hold children accountable when they understand why the rule you set must be followed.

Encourage creativity

Let your child’s imagination run wild through singing, dancing, painting, drawing, colouring, or writing. It is a great way for children to express and share their emotions, and it gives you a glimpse into how they see the world around them. Importantly, don’t be judgmental of the end result.

Don’t be ashamed to ask for and accept help

Sometimes being a parent can be frustrating, and we can all feel like we need a break. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents or friends for help or advice. Another perspective on a tough situation can be a lifesaver and don’t feel bad in accepting their help.

Forgive yourself when you make mistakes

All parents are human, which means a few mistakes are going to happen along the way. The best way to overcome the most difficult challenges is to remind ourselves that we are doing the best we can with what we got.

Sometimes mistakes happen. Don’t be too hard on yourself when they do.  Just like with your children, mistakes are temporary, but your identity is that you are a good parent.

SEE: 10 ways to Keep a healthy lifestyle

What makes a true mother?

How to be a good mother

A true mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children. A mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it a competent human being. The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless.

A mother is a protector, disciplinarian and friend. A mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children.

A mother works hard to make sure their child is equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make it a competent human being. Being a mother is perhaps the hardest, most rewarding job a woman will ever experience.


Expecting perfection only sets you up for failure. Remember to do what’s best for your own family and try to avoid living up to anyone’s expectations. You will hear plenty of parenting advice from so many different sources. Just be sure you trust yourself to make the right decision when the time comes.

Remember, parents have been raising children for thousands of years before you, and most of us just turned out fine. Have confidence in who you are and your parenting abilities.

Oluwatoyin Odunuyi
Oluwatoyin Odunuyi
Oluwatoyin Eria-Ajua Odunuyi resides in the bustling city of Lagos, Nigeria. In 2020, she received a BSc in Mass communication from Caleb University and specialized in print journalism. Toyin loves to write romance novels because she is obsessed with living in a never-ever-land and often lives through her books. She presently owns a 5-year blog called "An Inclusive Kind world" where she speaks on Autism and society's role in pushing for awareness and inclusion.
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