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HomeTopicalSurviving January: Strategies and Tips for Beating the January Blues

Surviving January: Strategies and Tips for Beating the January Blues

Blink your left eye, and laugh out loud like it’s so thrilling! Well, of course, it is; we’ve started with the same old tradition of entering a new year with resolutions that we will try to keep, or at least pretend that we’re going to keep. It is absolutely the funniest ritual on the globe, and maybe it is a tip for surviving January.

Don’t look at me for an answer, it’s point-blank over here; I’m as confused as you are.

Surviving January

Lol! Why are you looking like that? Fear not; I got you. I am here with all the tips that will help you swim past this ocean that the New Year has delivered to your doorstep. Yes, surviving January is not impossible. It can be a scary prospect, but it can also be really fun and swift if you just happen to find out how. So jog it up with me, and let’s bury that stereotype. 

What are the January Blues?

December is seen as a month of merriment, the end of the year that brings Christmas and the holidays. Nigeria even has a saying called Detty December, which involves spending lavishly and usually past our budgets.

In fact, the Urban Dictionary defines Detty December as a time in December, especially in Lagos, Nigeria when you lose your home training and party with all your might to make up for the hard work you’ve put in from January till November. Although it forgot to add …and blow away most of your hard-earned money in the process.

And just like it always is after doing something that goes against common sense, January arrives with 75 days stylishly packaged into 31, and with it, your eyes go clear. And it is at that moment that you knew, that you… complete it yourself.

Anyways, all of these, combined with the harmattan (Praise Master Jesus that it finally returned from its sabbatical) and probably the quick failure of our New Year’s resolutions, collide to create the January Blues. It is a feeling of sadness, loneliness and hopelessness that can be quite difficult to shake if you don’t know how.

Especially when sapa is dogging your heels diligently to remind you of your declaration of “if I perish, I perish”.

This was you in December, yes or yes?

The January Blues is a thorn and the exasperation is no joke. January is a time of year when December and January have a knock-down, drag-out fight – and it ain’t pretty. In fact, December 26, Boxing Day, would have been a better choice for this tussle; at least, it would keep us entertained. But hell no! January is keen on her violence and revenge.

December has the edge with all that Christmas cheer, but January won’t be denied its revenge. Hence, we poor souls in the middle have to suffer the brunt of their war. But don’t despair! We’ve got a few sneaky tricks to help us survive January the dreaded month of the year with our wits (and wallets) intact. So put on your game face and get ready to rumble – it’s time to outwit January and come out victorious!


Surviving January: Should We Reduce Our Merry in December?

To survive January and escape her fierce furnace, do we dare risk stepping on December’s toes? Hehe! That’s like asking if one can ping on Nokia phones; an impossible… oh, wait! That already happened.

Anyways, just because Nokia phones finally supported BBM doesn’t mean merriment will ever go down in December. I mean, it is the twelfth month of the year for crying out loud; the month of vacations.

It is one of the most beloved and adored months of the year; the month of Christmas, holiday merriment, and cheers. It is a time of giving and receiving, of family and friends, of joy and celebration. December is the month of hope and optimism, of joy and happiness. It is a time of love and kindness, of warmth and generosity.

And most importantly, it is a month when we kill chickens and use their noble sacrifices to elevate jollof rice.

Surviving January

So, now you see why January may never win this war, despite its numerous threats. However, we don’t really mind, because the tips to overcome its wrath will be unveiled as we go.

Are Resolutions the Solution to Surviving January?

Making resolutions is the most popular style to start in January. Can resolutions help us survive January? Well, I’m very anxious to find out and I know your case ain’t any different. 

Surviving January: Strategies and Tips for Beating the January Blues |

It’s like the weirdest game of pretense ever created, but it’s all in good fun! I mean, it’s like the perfect way to get through January, I hear. Even though not proven let’s just laugh it off and make the best of it! Create this New Year’s resolution, and who knows; it could be a perfect trick to surviving January.

Despite all the negative connotations associated with January, it is also one of the best months of the year. January is the perfect time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and reflect on the year that has passed. It’s also a great time to set new goals and think about ways to make the upcoming year even better.


Tips for Battling and Surviving the Dreaded January Syndrome  

January can be a difficult month, but there are ways to secretly survive it. Here are some tips for surviving the dreaded month:

  1. Make a list of small goals and tasks that you want to accomplish. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and will help you stay motivated.
  2. Set aside some time each day for yourself. Take a walk, read a book, listen to music, or do something else that you enjoy.
  3. Make plans to do something fun once a week. This could be a movie night, a night out with friends, or a day trip somewhere.
  4. Try to stay positive and focus on the good things in your life.
  5. Take some time to reflect on the past year and what you have learned.
  6. Look ahead to the future and make plans for the upcoming year.
  7. Find ways to relax and de-stress.
  8. Reach out to friends and family. Talking to someone can help you feel better.
  9. Go outside and get some fresh air. Being out in nature can help lift your spirits.
  10. Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins which can help improve your mood.
  11. Take a break from technology. Unplugging from the internet and social media can help clear your head.
  12. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make you feel more depressed and anxious.

And finally…

SEE: How To Check Account Balance On GTB

Buckle Up: Prepare for the Financial Roller Coaster 

The festive season is a time of joy and celebration, but it comes with a hefty price tag. December is a month of overspending and leaving us all feeling financially drained come January. Let’s face it, January is the month when we all need to buckle up and prepare for the financial roller coaster. 

To survive January, we need to adopt a frugal lifestyle. This means we need to switch our focus from spending to saving. Instead of buying that new dress or going on that exotic holiday, try to put the money away in a savings account. 

Victory at Last: Surviving January 

Well, there is no doubt that the vengeful January can be a difficult month, but it is possible to survive it. Just rock the tips outlined above and focus on the positive things in life, and you can make it through this dreaded month with your sanity intact.

So don’t despair, for victory is within reach. We must arm ourselves with this knowledge of how to outsmart tricky January and come out with boxes of chocolates. Get your battle gear and prepare for a fight, for it’s time to take on January and come out on top!

Surviving January
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