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HomeTopical11 Tips for Outdoor Running You Should Try in 2024.

11 Tips for Outdoor Running You Should Try in 2024.

Let’s look at 10 Tips for outdoor running to guarantee a fit life. But before that, what is outdoor running?

tips for outdoor running
A Black man running in the street

What Is Outdoor Running?

From the name “outdoor running”, you can tell the opposite would be “indoor running”. So simply, outdoor running is running outdoors. That definition wouldn’t suffice even for three-year-olds.

So, here’s a better one.

Outdoor running entails any locomotor exercises outside the comfort of your home and in natural environments such as parks, streets, trails, etc.

Locomotor exercises include; walking, jogging, moving forwards, backwards, side-shuffling, skipping, running, jumping, hopping, and leaping.

The alternative to outdoor running would be indoor running which entails using a treadmill indoors.

While that is also a viable option towards fitness, some benefits singles out outdoor running as a topic today. We are going to review that today too.

Outdoor running is a form of aerobic exercise. It offers several benefits, such as cardiovascular fitness, exposure to sunlight, fresh air and improved mental well-being.

Indoor and outdoor running are similar to each other in enhancing overall health and weight management.

The advantage outdoor running holds over its counterpart is the intimate connection with nature and a sense of freedom.

Outdoor running allows you to vary your terrain, engage different muscle groups, and experience the changing scenery, making it a versatile and enjoyable way to stay physically active.

Now that you understand outdoor running, what tips would help you optimize your exercise?

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10 Tips for Outdoor Running

Outdoor running
Woman running in the wild

What were you just thinking? Do I need tips for outdoor running? Can’t I step out in my slides and walk or jog to the T junction and get back?

Nah, you need tips for an effective run. As an active participant, I can tell you that without proper preparation or planning, outdoor running would seem like punishment.

So listen to me as your E-trainer, and let’s walk together to ensure an ample outdoor running experience.

The following are 11 Tips for outdoor running.

1. Proper Footwear

Good running shoes are a solid foundation for a comfortable outdoor run. Without shoes or comfortable sneakers, it would be very easy for you to misplace your steps. You would be doing “indiscriminate running”.

Without shoes, you would also seem out of place. Keep in mind that the first step is to get proper footwear. I got mine last week. You can also check nice collections here.

Running shoes provide support and cushioning, giving you this bounce with each step you take. It also prevents injuries.

2. Warm-Up Routine

Ever driven a car early in the morning without proper warm-up? It doesn’t go so well. There are hiccups because the car is not up to optimum service.

So it is with humans. Before you dive into the rigorous details of outdoor running, ensure you try to warm up your system. This can be simple jumping jacks, leg swings, high knees, and hip circles, or gentle jogging before you zoom into full Captain America.

Each run should begin with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your joints and muscles

3. Hydration

Dehydration is a constant when you go running outdoors. You can mitigate the effect of dehydration by holding a small bottle of water during exercise.

This would help replenish your strength for the time being. Hydration is important on warmer days. You can also pass routes where you know water is present.

4. Sun Protection

Sun protection during running
Sun protection during running

During daytime runs, you can wear sunscreen to protect your skin or hats and sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun.

5. Appropriate Clothing

Dress the occasion, is the saying. There is no appropriate dressing for outdoor running. The best advice is you should “dress in the weather”.

Always consider the weather before you go running. On normal hot days, wear moisture-wicking and breathable clothing to stay comfortable.

During cold days or harmattan, wear something thicker to keep your chest safe. The sold can easily permeate through your chest. Stay safe.

6. Proper Running Form

Outdoor running
shot of a young woman running outside

A good and relaxed posture is beneficial to an optimal outdoor run. It also prevents injuries.

Focus on a slight forward lean, relaxed shoulders, and a midfoot strike.

7. Gradual Progression

To avoid gassing out from the get-go, it’s pertinent to increase your running distance and intensity to avoid overuse injuries.

It would be best if you allowed your body to get into rhythm. Outdoor running is just like music. Work into the beat, get into the groove.

8. Terrain Variety

Tips for outdoor running
Trail running

Mix up your running surfaces to engage different muscles and reduce the risk of monotony. Include trails, pavement, and grass in your running routes.

9. Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are super-duper important for outdoor running. Your body is not a machine (even machines need repairs from time to time).

Schedule rest days to allow your body to recover. Listen to your body, and if you feel fatigued or notice persistent discomfort, take a break.

10. Listening To Music

This is a more personal addition and may not be everyone’s favourite. I prefer music because it allows me to run or jog according to the beat in my ears.

It’s advised to listen to upbeat music. My personal choice is Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. The beat there would give that step-to-step vibe.

Other artists to check out are Eminem, Joyner Lucas, Lil Wayne, and Dax (are these all rap artists?).

11. Safety Awareness

Be aware of your surroundings, especially if running in urban areas. Use designated running paths, follow traffic rules, and consider running with a buddy for added safety.

Safety is the utmost priority.

Using these tips in your outdoor running routine can enhance your experience, promote safety, and contribute to long-term enjoyment and success in your running journey.

What are the benefits of outdoor running?

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What Are The Benefits Of Outdoor Running?

Benefits Of Outdoor Running
trail shoes for outdoor running

The following are the benefits of outdoor running;

1. Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular fitness can be improved by outdoor running. It enhances heart and lung function.

If you regularize outdoor running, it will strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

It’s all love from outdoor running

2. Mental Well-being

Apart from cardiovascular health, outdoor running would positively improve your mental health. It also reduces stress, anxiety and depression.

Exposing yourself to natural surroundings contributes to your well-being.

3. Vitamin D Synthesis

This is tailored to early morning outdoor running. I prefer evening outdoor running.

Still, sunlight exposure during outdoor running allows the body to produce vitamin D, essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being.

4. Weight Management

Not saying anything specific; your size is right for you, and you should be proud of your skin. #ILOVEMYBODY, #BODYPOSITIVITY, and so on.

It isn’t news, though, that excessive weight signifies an unhealthy lifestyle. Outdoor running can help burn calories and effectively manage your weight.

This is where Terrain variability comes into play.

Terrain availability would give your body harder work.

5. Improved Sleep

When you run regularly, you get better sleep patterns. Physical exertion and stress reduction help regulate sleep cycles.

6. Enhanced Mood and Focus

Endorphins released during outdoor running act as natural mood lifters, promoting a positive mindset. The activity also boosts cognitive function and concentration.

7. Social Interaction

Outdoor running provides opportunities for socializing, whether it’s joining a running group or simply sharing the experience with friends.

Social interaction can add an enjoyable aspect to the activity.

8. Increased Immunity

Regular moderate-intensity exercise, like outdoor running, has been linked to improved immune function, helping the body defend against illnesses.

9. Stress Reduction

The rhythmic nature of running and the connection with nature contribute to stress reduction, promoting a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Combining these benefits, outdoor running becomes a holistic activity that improves physical fitness and positively impacts mental and emotional well-being.

That’s it on Outdoor running, ladies and Gentlemen. It’s an activity that bears a plethora of benefits and very few risks. A very good risk-to-reward ratio.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What essential gear do I need to start outdoor running?

Proper running shoes and a correctly fitting sports bra for women are the most important pieces of kit you’ll need, whatever your ability or distance.

But good, technical running gear and accessories can also make the difference between a good run and a great one.

2. How should I structure my outdoor running routine as a beginner?

Here is the basic formula for a great training plan.
1. Train three days a week.
2. Run or run/walk 20 to 30 minutes two days a week.
3. Take a longer run or run/walk (40 minutes to an hour) on the weekend.
4. Rest or cross-train on your off days.
5. Run at a conversational pace.
6. Consider taking regular walk breaks.

3. Are there specific warm-up exercises recommended before outdoor running sessions?

Good warm-up exercises include brisk walking, light jogging, leg swings, high knees, butt kicks, and dynamic stretches.


Outdoor running will yield the product or result of your input. If you give yourself to the totality of it, you will reap an equal benefit. It has benefited me enormously and still does.

But here is the thing about outdoor running;

It’s just like Mathematics. If you leave it, it will leave you double folds. Stick with it and get in the best shape and health.

Moibi Damilare
Moibi Damilare
Moibi Damilare has a traditional and classical outlook on life. He is often criticised for being critical and one-sided on trending issues which is opposite for such a happy, disciplined and lovely soul.
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