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10 Signs Your Husband is a Womanizer

Britney Spears, veteran American singer, would say she can see womanizers from far away. But everybody can decipher when we have to deal with a womanizer. Let’s take a look at 10 signs to know that your husband is a womanizer.

Signs Your Husband is a Womanizer

If your husband is alluring, funny, or observant, that is how he behaves with his female friends. Maybe it is time to find out if your suspicions are true that he is cheating on you or if he is being a nice man.

Many women are scared of being heartbroken by a man or unable to detect the red flags that he is a womanizer. Keep calm because we are here to help you decipher the clear signs your husband is a womanizer on your hands.

If you are struggling to detect signs that your husband is a womanizer, but you have a hunch, quit getting bothered. Just read through the signs below and check if your husband is showing some of these signs.

10 Signs your Husband is a Womanizer

Husband is a Womanizer

1. They try to be too funny

We all like to have a good laugh and reassurance of how wonderful we are. But we also begin to get worked up if a man overdoes it. It then starts to be a bit suspicious. When a man looks you dead in the eyes and honestly assures you of how much he cares for you.

And talks of how beautiful you are. It is a moment of submission and weakness. But you also need to think about it “a man will say what he needs to, just to get out of a situation.” The moment you man begins to point out every part of your look and who you are too many times in a conversation. It is a sign he is a womanizer.


2. Too friendly on social media

If your husband’s social media page is filled with sweet comments like, “OMG, you’re very handsome,” then you have to be cautious. Also, be watchful of the friends he has on his social media pages, whose profile pictures are mostly girls or women.  

Although, the readings might be that they are a host of normal friends that happen to be women. It is more probable that your husband is a womanizer.

Keep an eye out for how he talks with his female friends. Make sure it Is just casual, Or there it is a bit more than just casual talk. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment; be honest with yourself.

3. He has no spiritual friends

If you sight an erotic connection between your husband and his female friends, sit him down and have a thoughtful discussion with your husband. Try to find out why you are worried about such connections and why it worries you. If he is true to himself, he will put an end to it.

4. He is a consecutive texter

If your husband is having a moment with you at home but is busy with text messages too often. And the messages are mostly to female friends. Odds are that he is not really attentive to what is going on at home and does not respect your marriage. This is a sign that he is a womanizer.

5. Calling you the wrong names

If your husband is guilty of calling you the wrong name more than usual, it is probable that he has loved it up with someone else. Occasionally, it is easy to be off guard when you’ve had a long day. We have all called our friends another name at some point, but when it continues to occur, you should talk with him.

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6. Not Willing to apologize

Womanizers think they are smart. Be cautious of your husband if he is always cooking up ways to make you think all is well. The sign of a master at work is a man who thinks that he knows everything about women. A real man is aware that he does not know everything and will be ready to learn.

Signs Your Husband is a Womanizer

7. Addresses you with nicknames

If your husband is supposed to know your names, if not all, but chooses to call you pet names like baby, sweetie, or honey. Then he might be up to something. Signs might be that he is a sweet man or might be suffering from partial amnesia and does not want to mix up your name with his other women.

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8. Offers too many compliments

Compliments like “your eyes are so beautiful.” “Your smile is as bright s an early morning sunshine,” and I don’t just say words like that anyhow.” “I’ve never been this open up with a woman the way I did with you.” If he uses these lines often, he might need one thing only. The clue we will give you is that it is not close to your discussion.

9. Has a bad name

When you have a sniff, something is definitely going down. A few of them do turn a new leaf, but most of them don’t. If his reputation does not make for good reading when he approaches you, he is still most likely the same person. Try to have a conversation with him and be firm with your reasons. This could do the relationship a whole lot of good.

10. Wandering eyes

If you have a sniff, your husband is looking at other people in public and is not cautious of keeping it from you. Then that is a good enough sign your husband is a womanizer. Getting attracted to other people during a relationship can be normal sometimes. But you can respectfully tell him of your dissatisfaction if he sets out to act upon it.

SEE: How To Catch A Cheating Partner

FAQs for Signs your Husband is a Womanizer

What causes a man to be a womanizer?

Many experts agree that womanizers are driven by unconscious hostility. “These men are not in love with women,” Pittman said. “They see them as an enemy. They love women the way a fox loves chickens.”

What is a womanizer’s weakness?

One of the major things to know when it comes to a womanizer’s weakness is that they don’t like themselves very much.

Can a man love two women at the same time?

According to Ken Munyua, a Nairobi-based psychologist, men can have a sense of attachment and commitment to more than one romantic partner, which they will define as love.

What type of a woman does a player fall in love with?

Although players are drawn to all kinds of women, there are certain characteristics they are majorly drawn to:

Can a married man love another girl truly?

You may be asking, “can a married man fall in love with another woman?” If so, the answer is a resounding yes.

How do you know when a man is using you?

Whenever you both meet, if it always ends with s3x, it might be a sign that he is using you


Although the most common word for men who, with s3xual motives, love to spend more time with women is ‘womanizer,’ the term could be substituted with the following; toying, wandering, coquetting, dallying, trifling, philandering, flirting, wolfing, courting, and cheating, among other words.

This article, ’10 signs your husband is a womanizer,’ addresses the concept of womanizing for married couples. You can check out related articles within and below for other interesting topics.


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