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Signs He Will Never Marry You

I bring you the tidings of tips that he will never marry you. Now, whether this is good or bad news, I’m not sure, but fly wey no get special adviser na em dey follow dead body enter the grave. That’s why I’ve brought you these goodies and boxes of chocolate counsels. 

Ah, love! The great humbler. One moment you think you know your worth, and the next, one human being is using you to play kite. All your self-worth? GONE! Your dignity? FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET! And no matter how hard you try, he still won’t rate you.

Even if you send him every romantic gesture in the book and pour your heart out to him, there will be certain signs he’ll never love you enough to marry you. Yes, even if you spoon-feed him, wear him on your back with a wrapper, and even offer to sacrifice your blood, he still won’t marry you.

So, what is the moral of the story, ladies and gents? If it’s not meant to be, IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE, that’s what! What will not be will never be, no matter how hard you try.

Now the challenge is, how do you realize this? Stay with me, and I will reveal all the secrets to recognizing your stance.

Signs He Will Never Marry You |

Red Flags: Tips That He May Never Marry You

When it comes to finding out if a man will pop the big question, it can often leave you feeling like you are headed for a long and solitary ride on the marriage express. However, there are signs that you can look out for that can give you the answer you need.


He talks a lot about marriage… but not to you

If your man frequently talks about marriage, but it’s always in general instead of between the two of you in particular, that isn’t a good sign.

He’s secretive with finances

You may notice that he is hesitant to show you his financial status. If he’s unwilling to discuss any aspect of money in your relationship, then this is another sign that he won’t marry you.

He will not talk about his feelings

If he’s unwilling to talk about the way he’s feeling, then this is another major sign that he’s not the marrying kind. It’s not always easy to talk about how you’re feeling, but if your partner refuses to feel vulnerable with you, then this could be a big warning sign.

Dismissive about marriage

This one may sound obvious, but if you notice that your partner is dismissive when you bring up the topic of marriage then this is another sign.

He hides his affection

Your partner should never hesitate to express their love for you in public. Be it a hug, a kiss, or a pet name, they should be proud to show the world that you are theirs. The public display of affection conveys the message that they love and care for you, and are not afraid to show it.

Apart from the above, if it has also been years – 5, 10, even 20 – that you have been together without him hinting at marriage, it is one of the clearest signs he will never marry you. 

If any of the above points ring true for you, then it may be time to start asking yourself if he’ll ever marry you or if it’s better to move on.

Hilarious and Weird Hints That He May Never Pop The Question

  1. Sapa reloaded (We no dey give shishi): Every monetary request from him meets the response “sapa full ground“. His constant chant to you that he belongs to the association of “We no dey give shishi” is a hint that he has no business with your financial life. 
  2. Make I send my aza: If he always asks you to send money to him but never offers to help you out financially, it is another sign he’s not interested in marriage. Spending on him may be a real red flag if it is not reciprocated.
  3. “Our Wife Our Wife”, “Ajebutter”, “Osha Para Para”: If his friends are always calling you their wife and expecting you to do all the cooking and cleaning, then it’s a clear sign that he’s not ready for marriage.
  4. Lady of the Rings: Wearing a ring for months or years without any real introduction is a pretty sure sign that he’s not ready to marry you. You have become nothing more than a keyholder, the undisputed Lady of the Rings!
  5. We Outside, We Outside: When you visit him and he never goes out with you but always comes back very late, this is a classic sign that he’s not ready to commit to marriage.
  6. Horniness and Highness: If all he talks about is the weather and highness, with how horny he is, this is a sign that he’s not ready to marry you. Each time you speak over the phone, the only thing he needs is your n3des, run away, my sister. 
  7. If he is the social media type but never posts about you even on special days like your birthday. This could be a sign that he doesn’t want commitment, or he doesn’t want it with you.


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Signs That He’s Never Going to Put a Ring On It

No one wants to hear it, but learning the signs that he will never marry you could save you the heartache of a long and fruitless relationship. And, as opposed to the one above, these pointers are absolute, non-negotiable signs. Once you see them…

  • Still hangs out with his ex(es)
  • Tells you he’d rather be friends
  • Still uses dating apps
  • Keeps saying he’s not ready for marriage
  • Asked if you would be okay with him taking a second wife
  • Has forgotten your name more than once (lol)
  • Asked you if you will pay for the wedding
  • Constantly refers to marriage as “the ultimate death sentence”

If you’re hoping for a diamond ring anytime soon, you might as well forget about it! Just let your dreams be dreams because there’s no chance this bachelor is tying the knot with you ever! So, if you thought you were ever gonna be the one to snag this guy, better think again!

I mean, why waste time and energy when the signs are blatantly pointing to the fact that he’s not ready to commit?


Will He Marry Me If I Am a Wife Material?

Signs He Will Never Marry You |

Are you wondering if the man of your dreams will marry you if you are a “wife material 1000 yards”? After all, that’s what we all want in a partner – someone who will love us unconditionally and always be there for us.

First of all, keep in mind that a man is looking for more than just a wife material when considering marriage. He wants someone who will be a partner, a teammate, and a friend. He wants someone whom he can rely on and who will support him in everything he does. The bottom line is, even if you’re a wife material of unmeasurable fabric measurement, it is no guarantee that he will marry you.

Keep in mind, though, that marriage is a two-way street that requires effort, dedication, and commitment from both parties. If you can demonstrate to him that you’re reliable, responsible, and trustworthy and that you are willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work, your chances of him popping the question will be higher!

Or not. Breakfast, like they say, is for everybody. It must be served!

Unfortunately, the breakfast in question will not be as sweet as the one above

Investigating the Situation: Is He Keeping His Options Open?

We’ve all been there – you’ve been seeing someone for a while and it’s going well. You thought things were progressing and you were getting closer, but then you noticed something strange. He’s still keeping his options open.

What does this mean? Is he not as committed as you thought? Is he still playing the field? It can be confusing and a bit disheartening – after all, you thought things were headed in a certain direction. So, what do you do?

Signs He Will Never Marry You |

SEE MORE: How to Migrate to MTN Pulse

Actions to Take If He is Still Playing the Field

First, take a step back and look at the situation objectively. He may be just being cautious after all; nobody wants to move too quickly and regret it later. He may be taking things slow for his reasons, and that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not interested in you.

On the other hand, it’s also possible that he’s stringing you along and just keeping his options open. If he’s not making any real effort to move the relationship forward, it may be time to reassess your situation. You deserve to be with someone who values you and respects your boundaries.

The Final Chapter: Making the Right Decision for You

You can’t flop if you understand the mouth-watering peppery secrets dished here. Call it the dessert of the day, enjoy and gulp it up well. 

The truth is, it’s impossible to know for sure what someone else is thinking or how they feel. But these tips and guides will help you a great lot.

At the end of the day, marriage is a big decision and not one to be taken lightly. If your partner is not ready to make the commitment and take that plunge, it may be best for you to reassess the relationship and decide if it’s something you want to pursue or if it’s time to move.

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