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HomeEntertainmentVideo featuring a Nigerian grandmother buying oversized clothes for her grandson goes...

Video featuring a Nigerian grandmother buying oversized clothes for her grandson goes viral

  • A Nigerian mom uploaded a funny video on TikTok where her son tries on the oversized clothes his grandmother purchased for him.
  • The video has amused viewers as the clothes turned out to be much too large for the little boy.
  • Many internet users found the video hilarious, while some appreciated the concept as a clever idea.

A TikTok user, known as @big_baby_somz, who is a mother, had a surprising and amusing reaction when she discovered her own mother was buying oversized clothes for her young son.

The accompanying video showcased the little boy playfully wearing each of the oversized garments, adding to the humor of the situation.

The video provided a lighthearted and entertaining moment for viewers online.

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When Grandma buys oversized clothes

The video quickly gained significant attention and engagement on social media platforms, garnering thousands of views and reactions.

The funny video was captioned:

“When grandma buys you clothes.”

Many viewers found the video highly amusing, and some even related it to their own experiences. It was observed that purchasing oversized clothes for grandchildren is a common practice among grandparents.

In response to the video, others shared their experiences of receiving oversized clothing as babies from their grandparents. The overall reactions highlighted the familiarity of such situations and the humorous nature of grandparents’ choices when it comes to clothing their grandchildren.

see social media reactions:

@Orezyfresh said: “My grandma’s handwork.” @hannahmikasesay6 said: “When Grandma believes that growing with it helps save money.”

@Ayo said: “It’s giving rich gangster dressing senses.”

@Adepa billionaire commented: “He will grow inside the clothes.”

@sweetieoliveluvsu said: “They will grow together.”

@user527466333112 said: “He will grow with it grandma words.”

Watch the funny video below:

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Nigerian video director, TG Omori, has caused a stir on social media with his recent fashion statement.

The popular director took to his Twitter page to share photos of himself rocking an oversized red lace attire paired with a pair of shiny blue clogs.

In the photos, he also paired his outfit with white stockings.

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