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HomeEntertainmentStop borrowing money to fund your wedding – Yul Edochie gives relationship...

Stop borrowing money to fund your wedding – Yul Edochie gives relationship advice

  • Popular Nigerian actor, Yul Edochie has taken to social media to give valuable relationship advice, particularly targeting couples planning their wedding.
  • In a recent post, he urged soon-to-be-wedded individuals to put an end to borrowing money in order to fund their extravagant wedding ceremonies.

Yul expressed his concern over the growing trend of couples plunging themselves into debt just to create an illusion of a grand celebration.

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Yul Edochie

When it comes to wedding costs, Yul Edochie underlined the significance of living within one’s means and resisting societal pressure.

With his insightful words, he encouraged couples to focus on building a strong foundation for their marriage instead of getting caught up in the pressures of societal expectations.

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Yul Edochie is currently married to two women as his first wife May is recently taking legal steps to annul their marriage.

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