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HomeEntertainmentBullying made me lose all forms of social skills – Kizz Daniel

Bullying made me lose all forms of social skills – Kizz Daniel

  • Popular singer, Kizz Daniel, has stated that he finds it difficult to socialise as a result of the bullying he suffered as a child.
  • He said he was chubby and a bit fat while growing up, which made the other children bully and make fun of him.

The ‘Buga’ crooner disclosed this in the latest episode of the Afrobeats Podcast, hosted by Adesope Olajide.

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kizz Daniel|

He said, “I have built a world of my own in my head since I was little. Because growing up, I was a fat kid. I was chubby.

“So, I don’t go out because the kids in the area make fun of me. They called me orobo (someone who is fat). And they bullied me. So I always stay indoors.

Kizz Daniel

“During that time that I always stayed indoors, I’d already built this fantasy world in my head. In the world that I have built in my head, I’m very comfortable in that space.

“So, when I reintroduced myself to the world after I lost weight; I lost all forms of social skills. I don’t know how to communicate. I don’t know how to socialise with people.”

Kizz Daniel added that he takes alcohol sometimes to be able to deal with social anxieties.

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