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HomeEntertainmentI stopped Mohbad’s father from burying him at midnight – Baale

I stopped Mohbad’s father from burying him at midnight – Baale

  • The Baale of Gberigbe community in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Oba Kabiru Shotobi has revealed that he was the one that prevented James Aloba, Mohbad’s father from burying his corpse at midnight.
  • The late musician died in a controversial manner on September 12, 2023, and was buried immediately the following day in Ikorodu.

The sudden burial sparked outrage both online and offline, with many berating his family for burying the singer before an autopsy could be carried out.

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However, speaking in a video trending on the internet, the Baale of Gberigbe, Oba Shotobi said the late musician could have been buried earlier if not for his intervention.

He said the deceased’s father wanted to bury him at midnight but he kicked against it.


Speaking in Yoruba, Oba Shotobi said, “Mohbad’s father wanted to bury Mohbad in the midnight of the same day he died. I was the one that stopped him.”

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