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HomeEntertainmentOkafor’s law doesn’t work on anyone online- Nigerian man gives hot takes

Okafor’s law doesn’t work on anyone online- Nigerian man gives hot takes

  • A Nigerian Twitter user shared an opinion that Okafor’s law doesn’t work online.
  • He said so because people forget you exist when you don’t send a response to them online.
  • Netizens agreed that social media and real life are too parallel lines that never meet.

A certain twitter user identified as YOM publicly exposed that Okafor’s law doesn’t work.

He added that especially on social media, the proof that the Okafor’s law doesn’t work was evident as nobody had time to double text.

He further added that people forget you exist when they don’t get a response to their messages online

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He found it outrageous that people thought Okafor’s law was possible on social media.

He said: “Okafor’s Law doesn’t work on anyone online On Twitter, Nobody double texts, once you don’t respond, they forget you exist On Social Media, Once you ghost someone, they ghost you back like nothing ever happened. We de lie scatter for this app no worry yourself.”

Okafor’s law doesn’t work on anyone online

Okafor’s law doesn’t work

The post had many people talking online as they agreed to this tweet with just a few disagreeing tweets.

@David of Fct: “Everybody just dey whine theirselves online.”

@FUCIO: “Online is a lie, many are mad and a few are roaming.”

@Anomaly: “I dey always talk am, Social media and real life are parallel lines. Lol.”

@Alvanilla: “I remember when they said okafor law doesn’t work. They even argued one time on some tweet and insulted the mentality. I shook my head that day. Something wey dey work scatter for me till date.”

@Ayokunle “sugar”: “The last time I saw my ex, na me no just wan do as we dey together. She’s in a relationship.”

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Secondary school lovers tie the knot after years of courtship

Meanwhile, a beautiful young lady identified as @jera.thev on Tiktok has impressed social media users with her love story. 

According to her, she met her lover in secondary school and many people believed their relationship would not last as they were both young.

However, these secondary school lovers pulled through against all odds as they finally get married.

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