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HomeEntertainmentYou will simp for the woman that ticks 80% of your boxes...

You will simp for the woman that ticks 80% of your boxes –  Nigerian man advises men to never say never to simping

  • A Nigerian promised men that they will simp for the woman that ticks 80% of their boxes.
  • He shared this in a tweet, citing examples of how they will simp.
  • Netizens agreed with him while others wondered at his definition of simping.

A Nigerian man told men the hard truth that they will simp for the woman that ticks 80% of their boxes.

He shared in a tweet that he observed some men who beat their chest and say they will never simp for a woman.

He shared with the unavoidable truths that will play out in their lives with regards to a woman that ticks 80% of their boxes.

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The man said that when men meet a woman that ticks 80% of their boxes, they will simp and enjoy doing so.

They will have their mumu button press it whenever they want. Even if they men tried to fight back, the woman would always win the battles.

You will simp for the woman that ticks 80% of your boxes

A woman that ticks 80% of your boxes will have your mumu button

He added that the men will fix whatever they broke and buy whatever she needed even without her asking for it.

Netizens agreed with the man and some even confessed to doing so for a woman that ticks 80% of their boxes.

@ufuomagbudje: “I used to be an anti simp…Now I simp with pride for one woman only…”

@landlordof Lagos: “See, my simp level is high now and I am not ashamed to even do it.

Tell my why I have to go and buying bread eat and dear all the time. Emi okunrin ogun.”

@talktoleke_: “Doing these for a woman ‘who ticks 70-80% of your boxes’ and is ‘worth it’, isn’t simping. It is  simping when you reward a woman’s disrespect, nonchalance and bad behaviors.”

@chibuezeaneke: “And that’s the way it should, but these men are saying you shouldn’t even pamper her even if she’s the best cos she might go astray one day. Using a none definite moment to judge a lifetime action.”

READ ALSO: I know I’m a simp and a gone man – Solomon Buchi says as he sings praises of his wife

Simping in clear terms as Nigerian man gives succinct definition

Meanwhile, a Nigerian man shook the internet after he defined simping in clear terms to his followers which caused many reactions.

The man shared that simping was the act of showing love and showering gifts on a woman who doesn’t reciprocate the gesture.

He went on to say simping in clear terms because other tribes call igbo men simps for simply taking care of their wives.

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