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A woman has no right to demand anything from you other than commitment – Twitter influencer drops hot takes

  • A Nigerian Twitter influencer got netizens talking after he said that a woman has no right except to a man’s commitment.
  • His opinion shook tables as he enforced that if a man sees his commitment as spending on a woman, this his commitment is cheap.
  • His tweet got many reactions and likes as netizens concurred with his opinion.

Nigerian Twitter influencer gave a controversial opinion saying a woman has no right to demand anything from men other than commitment.

The Twitter sensation shared in a tweet that spending on a woman was not tied to a man’s commitment in anyway.

He went on to say that if a man spent on a woman he planned to marry according to her demands, his commitment was cheap.

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In the tweet, he wrote: “A woman has no right to demand anything else from you, other than your commitment. Spending on her is not tied to your commitment. If you can spend on a woman you plan to marry according to her demands, your commitment is cheap. Make money, olosho will come. End.”

A woman has no right to demand anything from you other than commitment

A woman has no right to a man’s wealth

His tweet got many reactions as netizens affirmed his stance that women have no right to any other thing than commitment and shared their own opinions.

@iamIjebuGuy: “Most of them stick with you because if money initially so make your money they will keep coming till they respect and know the meaning of feminism as they should.”

@ChigaemezuAnth1: “Men are the ones enabling the entitled mentality exhibited by women. if men changes their ways, women will stop such acts.”

@GaryWeweson: “A woman is supposed to be treated as they should be not how they want to be treated..”

@pikkettes: “This is just it! A man’s commitment is worth more than gold! It’s everything!”

READ ALSO: Men are sensitive wimps now – Popular Twitter user throws jabs at men

Biblically, a woman is not supposed to be a pastor – Nigeria-based Ghanaian pastor says

Meanwhile, the General Overseer of Christian Ministry of Reconciliation (Grace and Truth) has said that a woman is not supposed to be a pastor.

He made this known in an interview with Punch when asked about the doctrine of his church.

The Nigerian-based Ghanaian General Overseer moved to Nigeria in August 1978, 5 years after the church was established.

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