Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeEntertainmentDon't pray for a good partner, just be 100% strict and realistic...

Don’t pray for a good partner, just be 100% strict and realistic – Nigerian man gives tip on how to choose a partner

  • A Nigerian man shared his take on how Nigerians pray for a good partner which is a lazy approach.
  • He explained a simple approach to choosing a good partner.
  • Netizens agreed with his method of choosing a spouse.

A Nigerian man shared his take on how to choose a partner citing that we should not just pray for a good partner.

In a tweet, he stated that lots of people wanted the lazy route out which was to simply pray for a good partner.

However the key to finding a partner was to be 100% strict and realistic in the vetting process.

READ ALSO: When you call people to leave your partner, you have entered early stages of madness – Nigerian lady analyzes cheating partners

He explained that getting to know you own values and seeing how that person matched up to them was important.

Being realistic with said values was also a thing to consider rather than just assume you deserve the best for a partner.

Don’t pray for a good partner, just be 100% strict and realistic

Don’t pray for a good partner, choose one

He wrote in part: “The best you can pray for(even if you have to) is DISCERNING spirit when choosing. Not praying for God to just GIVE you a Good Spouse… That’s lazy.”

His tweet got massive replies as netizens agreed that I wasn’t enough to pray for a good partner.

@smex4real: “In Nigeria, everything is prayer, even things that requires common sense, it’s prayer.”

@king_akatex: “People want to adopt abstract approach to solve issues that require real physical methods.”

@alimi_a_tariQ: “Like popman would say, God does not take any decision for man, you’re the architect of your life and we all know what is good and bad deep down.”

@ayomoore: “You choose your partner and vent them yourself, God won’t do that for you. You need to be realistic and be ready to put in the work.”

READ ALSO: If you are seeking a partner that will provide for you, develop a frugal lifestyle – Nigerian man advises aspiring housewives

Nigerian man reveals list of things to do when you have a cheating partner

Meanwhile, a concerned Nigerian man reveals list of things to do when you have a cheating partner.

In a TikTok video shared by @Israelonadare, the young man shared that the first thing to do when you have a cheating partner is to protect yourself mentally.

His reason was that by default, people start blaming themselves when they have a partner who cheats. He said it was worse for women because this would lead to ideas of insecurity flooding their minds.

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