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HomeEntertainmentNigerian Lady emerges as Best Student in China at graduation ceremony

Nigerian Lady emerges as Best Student in China at graduation ceremony

  • A Nigerian student, made her country proud as she graduated as the best student in Chinese Language and Literature at South West University in China 
  • She developed an interest in Chinese culture and language, and decided to pursue her dream of studying in China.
  • She thanked the Chinese government and people for their hospitality and friendship.

Ifeoma Amuche, a Nigerian student, graduated as the best student in her class at SouthWest University in China. 

Ifeoma hails from Anambra State, and was a former student of Federal Polytechnic Oko.

She recently received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chinese Language and Literature, and was chosen as her class representative of international students at the graduation ceremony. 

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Nigerian Lady emerges as Best Student in China

After her studies in Nigeria, she developed an interest in Chinese culture and language, and decided to pursue her dream of studying in China. In 2019, she enrolled at South West University. 

She quickly adapted to the new environment, as she participated in several cultural and social activities. She also surpassed all academic challenges, excelling in her studies, on multiple levels.

During her academic journey, she won several awards and honors, such as the first prize in the 2022 Chinese Poems Competition, the Outstanding International Student Scholarship, and the Excellent Student Leader Award. 

She also volunteered as a teacher and mentor for other international students. 

During the award ceremony, in giving her speech, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to study in China, seeing that she learned a lot from the experience. She also thanked her teachers, classmates, friends, and family for their support and encouragement. 

According to her, she would like to use the knowledge and skills gained to facilitate unity and cooperation between China and Africa, especially Nigeria.

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Virginity: Benue State university graduate celebrates

In other news, celebrating her virginity, Deborah Ocheido, a graduate of Benue State University, recently took to Twitter to express pride in being chaste.

The revelation came in response to a follower’s inquiry about her chastity, prompted by Deborah’s advocacy for s3xual purity.

The curious follower wondered if Deborah’s past experiences contradicted her stance on purity

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